Friday, April 14, 2023

Leaving the SRA

"General Orders No. 11 ~ [HQ] 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, Oxford, Miss. Dec. 17, 1862.The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department [re. Grant's martial law jurisdiction]... Within twenty-four hours.. they will see that all of this class of people be.. required to leave, and any one returning... will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners... No permits will be given these people to visit Head Quarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.By Order of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant...Around 300 people were rounded up from their homes, and force-marched northwards. They were not allowed to board trains, and went on foot, carrying what they could. This would not be seen on any major scale again until the time of the pogroms of Russia. Are the Sherman posters going to yell out "Gas them again Uncle Ully"?"But... but... he apologized! He regreted it! He wasn't a real antisemite. He was forgiven... Jews voted for him!"I ask, why did it take Grant 6 fucking years to "apologize"? Why did he wait until the eve of his presidential election in 1868 to "apologize". If he wasn't an antisemite, why did he do it? Where was his remorse at any other time? And his "forgiveness" and the votes?:*General Grant and the Jews - a Representative Israelite Speaks : *[A Jewish man wrote a newspaper to call out a BS interview with a supposed "Israelite" called "Noah Greene" of Iowa who claimed to know every major Jewish community in the US. The man was a liar.] - "An Israelite is a man, and no man created in the image of his G_d would submit to have his face spit into, and himself kicked, and afterward kiss the mouth and foot that inflicted this gross indignity. This Green says he would do, and vote besides to put such a Haman in office! Moreover, I am convinced Green is no Jew, for what Jew, or Christian either, would give utterance to sentiments like these? I quote from his speech: "some eighteen hundred years ago some leading artistocratic Jews committed a blunder, &-". What blunder? The cruxifiction of Christ? Now this fellow, if he knows history, knows full well Christ was not cruxified by the Jews, but by the Romans, cruxifiction being unknown to Jewish law. Again, this Green prates the cause of "justice and liberty", and says for this cause Jews must bury their indignation for Grant.No. That's not okay. It's defending evil. So I'm done.Ara Yehudi. Happy fucking Passover. Fuck the SRA." title="Leaving the SRA">full image - Repost: Leaving the SRA (from, Leaving the SRA)
This is kind of a rant.I'm washing my hands of anything else to do with the SRA (the Socialist Rifle Association). I've just had my fill of the bullshit, and can't keep pretending it's going to get better. It's been coming for a while now, and even though I'm just a nobody online, it's still important that I explain why.Financial Mismanagement: How the hell do you lose $140,000? The SRA has what, maybe 20K members the last time anyone could be bothered to make a census? At $25 a year, that's $500,000 a year in dues going to national. How the living fuck do you lose 28% of your annual income?! There's no excuse for this. I've heard "we overspent on supplies", but I have seen no proof of it. Even if it's the honest truth, how to fuck did this happen? Is there a shaved chimpanzee managing the books? Members don't pay $25 (which is a lot of money to most people) so it can be pissed away on excuses. My dues were in that lot. I'm a gunsmith. I don't make much money to begin with, and didn't throw more good money after bad because of this. I still recommended SRA interaction, until issue #6.The Lazy Parasite of National. National does nothing. All updates come through an ancient non-public forum, when Facebook, Reddit, even basic email, would be a better update and bulletin systems. We don't get those. Instead we have a national body that sits on money, talks out of it's ass, and has displayed zero interest or intent on growing. Instead of a socialist equivalent to the NRA, we have a cowardly policy of "muh OPSPEC". Instead of the SRA receaching beyond a keyboard, the lazy a parasite of national latches onto other gun groups that do the real work of setting up clubs, ranges, classes, businesses, and social media to drive engagement. The SRA's entire existence is parasitic, and a parifary to the real groups and movements that they try to weasel their name besides : Yellow Peril Tactical, Antifascist Action, BLM, the multiple John Brown Gun Clubs, and others.The Void of State Chapters and the Void of Accountability The real strength of the NRA is it's network. It's a simple three teir system of national - state - local affiliate. Everyone is on a registry, everything's written down, everyone is accountable and engaged. Through goodwill and automation, the NRA built something. The SRA could, but doesn't want to. National could have instituted the same system, and had real top down accountability, automation, and multi-level planning. But the SRA doesn't want that. The SRA's entire structure is a mutated, deformed hand with a hundred broken fingers on a shriveled wrist. National doesn't want growth, or community. The SRA wants money, memes, and for new suckers to sign up during the fear mongering that follows every election cycle. I'm an LTC instructor, and a gunsmith, and I wanted to help start an SRA approved LTC class. I wanted to get endorsed, and to maybe even get the SRA accepted in the Texas DPS's eyes as an accepted training body just like the NRA and the USCCA. The SRA has talked about this for years, and nothing has come of it because national will not sign off on any endorsement for fear of accountability. Instead of National signing off on anything, it's bullshit motivation poster slogans like "be the change". I can't be the change the SRA needed without the fucking approval of the SRA. It's just "bootstraps" for neo-liberals. Btw, how the fuck do you lose $140,000?!There are no leftists The SRA has some good eggs, but the truth is, it's mostly just teens, college kids, and well meaning young democrats who want to play make believe IRA provo from the comfort of their bedrooms. They default to nationalism, tribalism, and being absent at the nearest bit of stress, hard thoughts, or the requirement of effort.It got personal : Antisemitism, Shermanposting, Nationalism,and the SouthI went to bat for, and defended, the SRA for fucking YEARS- before, during, and after I was a dues paying member, I held up the SRA as a wonderful resource for the disenfranchised to learn about self defense in an increasingly hateful world. I thought the organization was going to grow, learn, and become something substantial. And it all went up in smoke in three hours a few days ago, when I saw the truth -There's this online thing called "Sherman posting". It's "jokes" centered around supporting the civil war US General William T. Sherman. He's most famous for a scorched earth campaign that stretched across 600 miles of land, including the burning and looting of Atlanta, Georgia. But he didn't hurt slave holders. He enacted mass rape, murder, theft, and destruction on an unarmed civilian population that was not only pro-Union, but functionally defeated. He didn't "beat slavers". He put captured slaves into concentration camps as US government property. He was a monster who helped plan, and enact a white supremist genocide against Native Americans. He was essentially America's Hitler. But apparently "do it again Uncle Billy" is funny in their eyes. It's not funny, but stupid teenagers will be stupid teenagers. r/Shermanposting is essentially an alt-right indoctrination tool. Don't buy it? Check out their subscriber's other interests via the overlapping subreddits r/kaiserreich - a game dedicated to historical fiction and militant nationalism 27% r/enoughcommiespam - a subreddit dedicated to hating the left, and loving capitalism. 26% r/polcompball - cartoonish national identity and political parodies. 18% r/Enoughs_Sanders_Spam - you can mock Bernie Sanders, but not Trump or Hilary And hint of leftism is way WAY down the list.So before this, came General Grant. Grant enacted something called an "expulsion order". It wasn't just any expulsion, but the only Jewish expulsion order ever issued on the western fucking hemisphere. He despised Jews, and blamed Jews on his own father's inability to get a cotton merchant permit. His father was profiting off black blood, and Grant wanted his share. Despite the fact that most Jews in the US were small time shop keepers with no link to the cotton trade, Grant blamed the Jews, and attacked them. By his own hand -"General Orders No. 11 ~ [HQ] 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, Oxford, Miss. Dec. 17, 1862.The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department [re. Grant's martial law jurisdiction]... Within twenty-four hours.. they will see that all of this class of people be.. required to leave, and any one returning... will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners... No permits will be given these people to visit Head Quarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.By Order of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant...Around 300 people were rounded up from their homes, and force-marched northwards. They were not allowed to board trains, and went on foot, carrying what they could. This would not be seen on any major scale again until the time of the pogroms of Russia. Are the Sherman posters going to yell out "Gas them again Uncle Ully"?"But... but... he apologized! He regreted it! He wasn't a real antisemite. He was forgiven... Jews voted for him!"I ask, why did it take Grant 6 fucking years to "apologize"? Why did he wait until the eve of his presidential election in 1868 to "apologize". If he wasn't an antisemite, why did he do it? Where was his remorse at any other time? And his "forgiveness" and the votes?:*General Grant and the Jews - a Representative Israelite Speaks : *[A Jewish man wrote a newspaper to call out a BS interview with a supposed "Israelite" called "Noah Greene" of Iowa who claimed to know every major Jewish community in the US. The man was a liar.] - "An Israelite is a man, and no man created in the image of his G_d would submit to have his face spit into, and himself kicked, and afterward kiss the mouth and foot that inflicted this gross indignity. This Green says he would do, and vote besides to put such a Haman in office! Moreover, I am convinced Green is no Jew, for what Jew, or Christian either, would give utterance to sentiments like these? I quote from his speech: "some eighteen hundred years ago some leading artistocratic Jews committed a blunder, &-". What blunder? The cruxifiction of Christ? Now this fellow, if he knows history, knows full well Christ was not cruxified by the Jews, but by the Romans, cruxifiction being unknown to Jewish law. Again, this Green prates the cause of "justice and liberty", and says for this cause Jews must bury their indignation for Grant.No. That's not okay. It's defending evil. So I'm done.Ara Yehudi. Happy fucking Passover. Fuck the SRA.

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