Friday, July 8, 2022

A Human Approach to Privacy

full image - Repost: A Human Approach to Privacy (from, A Human Approach to Privacy)
I wrote this in the middle of the night while trying to sleep, on my phone. So please don't mind sleeping and grammar issues, there is most likely a few. Enjoy ;)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Piracy and slavery were the two of the most common and lucrative businesses in the galaxy. A cornerstone of the galactic market. Despite the general public’s negative opinions about it, because of course, they were the victims.The galaxy was a ruthless place where the strong ruled over the weak. The larger empires thrived off the slave markets while being able to afford the means to keep piracy out of their borders. Hell, they even sponsored piracy groups to prey on the less fortunate and advanced species.This was simply the way of life for the wider galaxy. And everyone had long given up trying to change their ways, falling into compliance. Well, at least until the humans burst onto the scene.See, different species had different strengths and weaknesses. And depending on your species' skills and traits, you were either a valued target or not.Humans were seen as the former. They were a young species which already made them easy pickings. But what made them unique was their biology.It wasn’t that they were strong psychic, extremely fast, strong, or hardy. They even had no natural weapons or extremely unique physical traits. Their worth was that they were the perfect slaves in almost every way.Not too strong but not too weak, not too talk but not too short. No dangerous Venmo or claws that could be turned against their masters. No, they were the definition of average. The only outlier being their seemingly endless stamina. It was almost comical for their trait to be one so perfectly fit for physical labor, fit for a slave.So distracted by their physicality alone, nobody cared to look deeper. At their past and history, at their innovations and culture. They never thought to look at their most unique trait of all, their creativity, their brilliant, terrific, horrifying, and unmatched creativity.When the first slaver ships raided their fledgling broader systems they were met with little to no opposition, besides the occasional unusual incident. And as their raids continued against the primitive humans, they soon began to slowly push further and further into human space.That’s when it all began. A single slaver vessel, outfitted with the best boarding equipment and weapons money could buy, paid for and sponsored by the Vindreeri technocracy. Attacked a human patrol and ani-piracy ship. They had raided vessels like these many times before and were confident in their technological and size superiority, even finding sadistic sport in targeting their fable attempts to combat their piracy and slaving operations.They swiftly disabled the conveniently lone ship and began drilling through their hull, ready to capture their bounty. Dozens upon dozens of pirates were already lined up in the boarding tubes eagerly waiting for the drill to finish cutting its hole.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Human Anti-piracy Prototype ship:Captain Blaskovits smiled and leaned into the ship-wide intercom.“Alrighty boys we got one. Everyone ready counter boarding measures, and equip special operations gear. I’m initiating contingency 001- Rats Trap.” His face morphed into a predatory grin. Almost every single man and woman on this ship had volunteered for this program, every one of them victims in one way or another, every one of them itching for revenge.“You signed up for this, trained for this, and have waited for this exact moment for so long. So let’s give these butt fuck ugly Xeno slaving bastards a big old slice of biblical hell.” He roared. Slamming his fist on the big red button, one he had personally requested be included in his new ship.The ship's lights shut off, replaced by a dull dim red and the temperature dropped to near freezing, cold mist slowly began to pour from the ceiling vents. Gears and electronics hummed just under the floors and behind the walls. Soldiers took up their positions and prepped the equipment.The captain looked through the camera feeds as his crew moved to one of the entry points as the pirates drill cut through his ship. The soldiers moved into position in front of the entry point, a massive mental device in hand. Quickly sealing it to where the hole would be cut, they turned the knobs on the massive tanks attached to the back of the steel barricade and waited.It was one of his favorite new toys, so beautifully simple yet so devastating. He smiled as he watched in giddy anticipation.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________The pirates buzzed with anticipation, practically drooling at the mouth as they waited in the cramped and narrow boarding tubes. The ship was large and promised a good number of slaves. Though it was interesting that for an anti-piracy ship, it seemed to favor unnecessary strong armoring over weapons. But it mattered not, it would surely be another easy job considering how vastly they outnumbered the primitive human ship.So when the drill finally finished cutting through the thick plating they charged the opening with vigor. But they were caught off guard when the cut wall flew towards them instead of into the ship, flattening two pirates in the process.They were even more confused when they were faced with another solid metal wall, though curiously this one had multiple holes already in it.Their confusion lasted mere seconds as the holes erupted with Scorching jets of napalm and plasma. Immediately incinerating the first dozen pirates, catching the next few on fire, and quickly choking the rest in toxic fumes.Once the fire subsided and suppression systems extinguished the burning bodies of their fellow pirates. They advanced, enraged by the audacity of these primitives. They burst through the trap and Into the ship's corridors, ready to fire in any direction and capture the ship.What they didn’t expect was the darkness and the cold. The bone-chilling cold and thick icy fog further blinded them.Confused but still ignorantly confident they advanced, stun weapons trained. After only a few long moments glowing green eyes began to appear in the fog, then muzzles flashed, and the sound of dead bodies hitting the floor.The pirates all opened fire into the fog but whatever shot at them vanished. So they advanced deeper into the ship. Nerves building and doubt creeping into their minds.Merely ten meters later high powered lasers cut an unlucky pirate into small cubes. Another five and two more pirates were impaled by long jagged spikes that shot from the walls. This continued all throughout the ship as pirate after pirate fell to the green-eyed ghosts or to the gruesome traps. The pirates jumped at shadows as the ship creaked and groaned, many screaming and shooting at the walls claiming they heard speaking from behind the walls.After what seemed like hours of hell and dozens more dead pirates they finally made it to the last stretch before the ship's bridge. A long and narrow corridor, with no doors or windows. The team leader tried to radio the others but all he got back was static and screams. Many at this point refused to advance further, curled up on the ground sobbing in terror. But the leader knew that he needed to end this, and vowed he would send these humans to the darkest hole in the galaxy to suffer and work until their slow and painful demise.They advanced eagerly to capture the damnable ship and escape this hell. Just meters from the final door they heard the noise, the sound of gears turning and metal screeching. In horror, they looked up to see the ceiling open and a large bolder barreling towards them.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nearly one hundred and fifty years after the United Human Federations' introduction into the wider galaxy, they now boast the title of leading exporters of anti-piracy and ship defense systems in the galaxy. As a result, this rotation celebrates the record for the lowest ever record piracy incidents recorded in more than fifteen thousand standard rotations, down 89 percent in the outer rim systems and predicted to fall another 5 percent in the next ten.As stock values rise for the UHF, many expected prices to rise to secure their new monopoly but much to the galaxy's surprise the leading UHF corporations have lowered costs, their reasoning being, I quote, “to ensure equality and security to the less fortunate peoples of the galaxy”.In response, many elder races have pushed to enforce restrictions and economic sanctions on the UHF calling these acts a violation and manipulation of the galactic market, and a bit to seize power in the senate. Some have even threatened military action against the UHF despite the growing support of the younger races for the UHF’s ambitions, and tensions continue to rise as military mobilization continues to increase on both fronts. Yet, time will only tell as the next gathering of the senate has been scheduled to take place in eighty standard diurnals, so stay tuned for the next broadcast of The Intergalactic News Network to keep updated on everything galactic.

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