Saturday, December 23, 2023

Warning: A Highly Detailed Post Ending AU [Pardoned Pals]

full image - Repost: Warning: A Highly Detailed Post Ending AU [Pardoned Pals] (from, Warning: A Highly Detailed Post Ending AU [Pardoned Pals])
I’m bored and new to the fandom, so lemme drop this AU that’s been living in my head rent free for the past four months. I am obsessed with this game about stick people and wish to expand on it.AU SUMMARY AND BACKSTORYAfter taking out the Top-Hats and receiving a government pardon, Henry and Ellie now actively work in the military as special informants. They undergo training and use their unique skill sets for missions assigned by General Galeforce.They have a contract they must ad-heir to; continue to show good behavior and never go back on the promise they made. Leaving the government and the military is treason. They cannot live off base and must comply with the contract, undergo evaluation by a psychiatrist, and take the assigned medication to keep them from repeating past mistakes. Any mistake they make risks them getting sent back to The Wall, where they will either serve a life sentence or face execution, depending on the severity.In this AU, they have killed Dmitri and his assistant Grigori during their escape, but The Wall and its inhabitants remain. They sneak out quietly only to be caught at the last minute by Dmitri and his right hand, where a fight ensues. They kill Dmitri and Grigori off and live as fugitives, escaping the Russian border with the help of Henry’s network.They take three years to get to America, only to be captured immediately by the government, and are used to take out the Top-Hats once and for all with the promise of a palace to live, a job and a pardon granted if they succeed. They both agree, as the other side has nothing to offer them.Ellie wants to move on and put her past actions behind her, as they were acts of desperation motivated by medical debts rather than a career move. After suffering the month long coma, it had wiped memories of her life clean. She doesn’t remember family, friends, or allies, she only remembers her name and interests. The insanity of not knowing and debt became her base motivations for crime and theft.Henry, having not felt the same consequences as Ellie, yearn. Turnings for what he once had. He outright does not trust the government, and is paranoid that they are collecting data on him to use as blackmail later. The only reason he hadn’t gone back on his pardon is because of Ellie and Charles. Turning back to crime would mean losing them as well- the only two people he deeply trusts.It’s been a year since Ellie and Henry settled into their new home and gotten to know the other soldiers and agents that work for the government. While living together, they’ve formed a tight bond and friendship with an attraction developing as well. Both have agreed to keep it unrequited in the meantime, but flirt with the idea of a hook up as life becomes more stable for the both of them.HEADCANON TIME!!! :DEllie’s family was heavily involved with the military. Galeforce once had a close friendship with her father and mother, Fin and Lilith Rose. When Ellie Rose first appeared on the crime radar, he felt shocked and heartbroken since he knew her as a little girl.General Galeforce is also married with two grown children of his own off screen, with careers with the government as well.The government has also captured Dr. Vinschipinsilstien, nicknamed Dr. Vin (for the sake of my dyslexia), for illegally performing surgeries overseas. They gave her the same treatment as and Ellie, providing her with another opportunity and profession if she agreed to work for the government. She now works as a therapist within the clinic on base as that was her second career choice.Both Ellie and Henry see the same therapist, however Dr. Vin is very careful about talking about one with the other, but will drop nuggets of information to help their friendship/romantic interests flourish.Ellie has formed an unlikely friendship with Agent Turtle (Amelia Esteban) somehow becoming the big sister she never had.Henry’s a second generation Russian immigrant. He has family in both America and Russia and his parents, Alina and Pyotr are still alive and well. However, he lost contact with them.Henry knows some Russian phrases but isn’t fluent and has a light accent that comes out when he’s drunk. Meanwhile, Ellie knows five different languages and speaks them fluently.Henry’s orderly and detail oriented, Ellie’s impulsive and brash and often gets hurt as a result. They both have impulse issues, but they manifest in different ways.Charles is promoted to Senior Airmen after Completing the Mission. He sees Henry and Ellie less and less as his career gets more intense, but they remain a close friendship and reconvene on friday evenings.Charles has eyes for someone within the air force that’s off screen, but his job comes first. He’ll often vent to Henry about not having time for himself.Ellie has a secret garden in the backyard of their shared condo. She also plays guitar and sings when she’s by herself.Henry does tasks around the house to keep himself sane. He has no problem cooking and cleaning and keeping this orderly. Ellie‌ struggles with task completion, and her bedroom is a horror show.Ellie takes therapy seriously while Henry will skip out on appointments. He believes that talking is useless and actions carry more weight. He knows something’s wrong and doesn’t need a doctor to tell him so.Henry started stealing and shoplifting as early as eleven.This was a habit that carried with him into adulthood and after being influenced by the wrong crowd, found himself the leader of a criminal organization… and enjoying it, until the government found him and stripped him of his assets and threw him in the wall, where he met Ellie.In the present, he is known for creating some of the most grand heists in history that involved stealing the Tunisian Diamond, Romanian Ruby and Norwegian Emerald (gemstones that have been shrunk to believable sizes for this AU). This is what gave Henry his power and wealth, but the government took them away and returned them to their owner.Ellie’s family has ties to the gemstones that Henry stole. I will not go into anymore detail because that’s already a big spoiler for a fic I’m working on.There’s a five-year time skip so everyone’s older. Henry is 33, Ellie is 28, Charles is 35, and Galeforce is somewhere in his fifties-sixties.Every Friday night, everyone (mostly the younger soldiers and government personnel) will get together and play Amongus with proximity chat mod where chaos and laughter ensues, arranged by Ellie Rose.I have more takes, however, they are took dark to mention for this subreddit. It's a Rosmin fic that expands on some of the drama in the game and highlights some of the angst and darker elements, whilst giving the universe they live in a little more realism. It also barrows ideas from other endings and ranks to flesh out their backstories. Tell me what you think, hope you like it and thanks for reading. :P

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